Wednesday, March 28, 2012

But God...

“Don't tell God how big your problems are; tell your problems how big your God is!”

Great quote, right?  I have a huge fondness for great quotes.  I have journals and word documents stuffed with them.  I have some that are witty, some that are silly, and some that make profound observations in just a few short words.  Such as this quote by John Henry Newman, “A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault.” 

I have one quote, one phrase that is probably in my top three, maybe even top two, and it is, “But God.”  These two little words choke me up because of their significance.  These two little words speak volumes.  At times it isn’t even a direct quote as much as it is the theme of every event in the Bible.  Allow me to illustrate…

In the beginning there was darkness, but God said “let there be light”…
   The intention was to cause harm, “but God intended it for good”…
        He only had excuses why he couldn’t speak, but who God calls, He also equips…
            The enemy was a giant of a man, but God used a boy to defeat him with a stone…
                  The people were to be slaughtered, but God gave great wisdom to a young queen…
                        Satan would try and crush him, but God’s reward was to bless him greatly…
                  They were to die for not bowing to an idol, but God saved them from the flames…
            He was surrounded by lions, but God shut their mouths…
        She was young and insignificant, but God chose her to carry the Christ Child…
   He asked if the cup could pass from Him, but God’s will would be done…
We were dead in our transgressions, but God provided a way for us to be saved…

The word ‘but’ shows two things that are different by contrast, it represents the exception.  God is the one that makes the biggest difference in our lives.  He is the exception to everything that we see as impossible. When all seems lost and we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, when the pain and the hurt seems crushing, and when the temptation seems too powerful, we can place a “But God” on the end of all of those things.  God steps in and does for us what only God can do.

We get our selves turned around and lost, but God is there to show us the way…
   We feel weak in our present battles, but God gives us strength that only He can provide…
        We feel the pains and aches of this body, but God renews us inwardly day by day…
            We do not know how we ought to pray, but God sent His Spirit to intercede for us…
                  We are hurt and betrayed, but God gives us His Spirit, to love and forgive…
                        We feel the draw of the temptation, but God provides the way out…

He sent His son, the Way, the Truth, and the Life and Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice, to take the punishment and condemnation that we deserved.  God initiated, God provided, God obligated himself to man.  He didn’t have to, but God did.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

JOHN 3:16
     For God:  The Greatest Lover
        So Loved:  The Greatest Degree
           The World:  The Greatest Company
             That He Gave: The Greatest Act
                 His Only Begotten Son:  The Greatest Gift
                    That Whosoever:  The Greatest Invitation
                       Believeth:  The Greatest Simplicity
                          In Him:  The Greatest Attraction
                             Should Not Perish: The Greatest Promise
                                 But:  The Greatest Difference
                                        Have:  The Greatest Certainty
                                              Everlasting Life:  The Greatest Possession!


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